Pastor’s Recommended Reading

We believe in Sola Scriptura– the Bible alone is our source of authority and practice. Nonetheless, we are grateful for the cloud of witnesses that go before us blazing a trail of healthy Gospel-living and Bible-loving reflection on the Christian life. The below titles represent a number of books that I, Pastor Matt, have found very helpful for my journey along the Way. I hope they can be so for you as as well. I do not necessarily endorse or agree with everything written by the authors in this list; each reader is responsible to read with discernment and prayer.


Believer’s Baptism, Thomas Schreiner & Shawn Wright
Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the Gospel, Nick Roark & Robert Cline
Concise Theology, J.I. Packer
Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, Michael Reeves
None Like Him, Jen Wilkin
The Cross of Christ, John Stott
The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God, D.A. Carson

Spiritual Growth

A Gospel Primer: Learning to See the Glories of God’s Love, Milton Vincent
Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms our Daily Life, Elyse Fitzpatrick
The Gospel for Real Life, Jerry Bridges
Enjoy Your Prayer Life, Michael Reeves
Enjoying God, Tim Chester
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, Timothy Keller                                       
Rejoicing in Christ, Michael Reeves
The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can’t Get Their Act Together, Jared Wilson
The Walk: Steps for New and Renewed Followers of Jesus, Stephen Smallman
When People are Big and God Is Small, Edward Welch

The Church

A Place to Belong, Megan Hill
The Mark of a Christian, Francis Schaeffer
Understanding Baptism, Jonathan Leeman
Understanding the Lord’s Supper, Jonathan Leeman
What is a Healthy Church?, Mark Dever
What is a Healthy Church Member?, Thabiti Anyabwile

Marriage and Family

Give them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus, Elyse Fitzpatrick
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family, Paul David Tripp
The Life We Never Expected, Andrew and Rachel Wilson
The Meaning of Marriage, Timothy Keller

Spiritual Disciplines

A Praying Life, Paul Miller
Enjoy Your Prayer Life, Michael Reeves
One-to-One Bible Reading: A Simple Guide for Every Christian, David Helm
Praying the Bible, Donald Whitney
Praying Together, Megan Hill
Praying with Paul: A Call To Spiritual Reformation, D.A. Carson
Valley of Vision, Arthur Bennet 
Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds, Jen Wilkin


Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim’s Progress, Oliver Hunkin
Show Them Jesus: Teaching the Gospel to Kids, Jack Klumpenhower
Something Beautiful from God, Susan Schaeffer-Macaulay
The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, Jared Kennedy
The Big Picture Storybook Bible, David Helm
The Child’s Story Bible, Catherine Vos

Thoughts to Make your Heart Sing, Sally Lloyd-Jones

Apologetics and Evangelism

Conversion: How God Creates a People, Michael Lawrence
Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus, Mack Stiles
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
One-to-One Bible Reading: A Simple Guide for Every Christian, David Helm
The Reason for God, Timothy Keller
Why Trust the Bible?, Greg Gilbert

Missions & Missionary Biographies

A Company of Heroes, Tim Keesee
Dispatches from the Front, Tim Keesee
Evidence not Seen, Darlene Deibler Rose
Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper
Operation World, Jason Mandryk
To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson, Courtney Anderson